Justifying Solutions

In solving problems, we always search for a solution. We try to find the right procedures to come up with the correct answer. However, after solving the problem, we also ask ourselves if our answer is correct i.e. if our answer is justified.

How do we justify your solution?

Here are the steps we can use to countercheck our answers:

  1. Did you understand the problem?
  2. What are the given data in the problem?
  3. What does the problem ask for?
  4. Is your procedure correct?
  5. Did you answer the question?


  1. There are 4 bananas in the plate. Nick came in and ate 3 of it. Hannah came in and ate the rest. How many did Hannah eat?
    There are 4 bananas in the plate. Nick ate 3 so we subtract 3 from 4. So there is only 1 banana left. And Hannah ate the banana left so she ate 1 banana.

  2. Going to Henry’s house would take an hour from Jenny’s house. From Henry’s house, it would take 2 hours to the university. How long would it take to get from Jenny’s house to the university?
    Henry to Jenny’s house is equal to 1 hour. And from Henry’s house to the university is 2 hours. We wanted to know how long it will take to get from Jenny’s house to the university. In this case, we add up the number of hours from Jenny’s to Henry’s and from Henry’s to the university. Therefore, the number of hours from Jenny’s house to the university is 3 hours.

  3. There are 2 dozens of strawberry in the fridge. Mother bought another dozen. How many strawberries are there in the fridge now?
    The fridge already has 2 dozens. A dozen is equal to 12 pieces. So we multiply 12 by 2. We get 24. So, there are 24 pieces of strawberries in the fridge. Mother bought another dozen which is 12. Now, we add up 24 and 12. So we get the sum of 36. There are a total of 36 strawberries in the fridge.